Tag : talking with friends

A Summer Chat with my Shades On

Redheaded lady in car with checked headband and blue sunglasses.

I’m finally getting into the summer groove. We spent a morning this week at a city pool and it was just what I needed. Sunshine, cool water, my kids laughing and splashing while I connected with the other moms. What a gift it is to be able to hang out with friends.

I’ve been gathering up a few things to share for this post. I hope you take the time to tell me about your recent happenings and any new things you’ve discovered to help or enrich your life.


Grab a Cup of Coffee (and a Biscuit)

Fresh baked biscuits surrounded by a checkered dish towel.
Jojo’s Biscuits

February is almost gone. We had a full week of snow last week and spent most of the time outdoors sledding, building forts to block the snowball attacks, and washing cold wet socks. I made a ton of biscuits which were perfect little snacks in between the arctic adventures. We’re so thankful for water and electricity. Ours stayed on the whole time, but I know many who were without in other parts of the country. Sending love to those in Texas!

I have some things I’ve been saving up to share with you. I hope you enjoy!


Let’s Pretend We’re at a Tea Party

A table set for a fancy tea party. White table cloth, China plates, white cloth napkins, a tea pot, tiny sandwiches, scones and cream and sugar set.

One of my yearly goals is to host a ladies’ tea party. April is the best time to host with our dogwood tree in bloom and tulips that are just popping open. I had to cancel this year due to social distancing, so why not pretend we’re at tea together? Sit down, pour yourself some hot tea (in a cup and saucer if you’d like) and let’s chat!
