Halloween Door Decor Tradition

Collage of Halloween Door Decor that kids will love

One of my simple joys during the month of October is to decorate our front door for Halloween. Why? It’s inexpensive, we get to create, and it does not need to be stored from year to year. I love it when the boys help and we come up with an original design. When they were little they would help by holding the tape or sticking something to the door. Inevitably, it would be fun for the first five minutes and then they would lose interest and I would do the rest by myself. Yet, I still enjoyed sharing the project with them. Seeing the silly creation on our door brings a smile to my face.


Our Recent Sunday Evenings: New Rhythms

Two boys folding origami at a Starbucks in the Philippines.
Dean teaching us how to fold origami claws.

For many years Sunday evenings were packed with things to do to get ready for the week. I was usually exhausted and needed to get things in order so Brent would take the boys out to a park or play with them in the yard. I would stay home and miss out on family time, but it was what I needed during that season.

Recently we have been working on Saturday to get all our weekend tasks completed and prepare for the upcoming week so that our Sundays are free. We try to have our schedule cleared so that we can practice the Sabbath, a day of rest. We usually go to church, eat lunch out when possible, then come home and all take a nap. Our family needs a lot of sleep and most of the time we are all ready for the nap. For dinner Sunday evenings we usually eat left overs and use paper plates, it’s so nice to not have to cook or do the dishes. After dinner is where we have recently added a new rhythm.


Books I Read in 2023

It was quite a full year with us moving to Asia, but I still was able to get some books read; which always makes my heart happy. This year my reading list was lighter than normal. I found myself longing for super simple easy to read books hence the young adult or children’s books on my list. I still longed to read but my mind was crammed with the moving preparations. I didn’t have the mental space for complicated reading but still found great pleasure in the below books.

I’d love to hear if you read any of the ones on my list.
