Tag : family time

Cabin Camping at Big Ridge State Park in Tennessee

Family of four silhouetted against the light blue sky with Norris lake and trees in background.

Every Memorial Day weekend we try to go camping as a family; just the four of us. It’s a sweet get-away with little distractions and an opportunity for us to reconnect after a busy year of school, work, and this year quarantine.


Dinner Party in the Woods

Originally published February 14, 2012

family at a long table set up outside in the woods. A holiday meal with steak, sides and pineapple-upside down cake.

Grant, my son, has a Winnie-the-Pooh book in which all the characters decide they want to have a dinner party in the woods. It always makes me miss home. Over Christmas (2011) we had amazing weather in Oklahoma, so we decided to have Christmas lunch outside surrounded by trees. It was so beautiful and exciting to try something new.
