Summer Schedule for Kids at Home

School will be out in just a few days which means summer is right around the corner. All the hustle-bustle of May is coming to an end. We say goodbye with awards ceremonies, recitals, and graduations and look forward to bright summer days filled with popsicles and hammocks.
Now, what to do with all the unscheduled time in the summer? I’m home with my boys during the summer and on the days that we don’t have much planned we follow a simple schedule. It prevents me from having to answer the question, What’s next? They can follow the schedule pretty independently which gives me more freedom and time to do the things I need to do.
For some I know summer doesn’t really change things much. You’re still working full time and your children will be with caregivers during the day. Some children will attend camps and other events during the summer months too. Whatever your schedule and free time availability I hope this can help everyone have the best summer yet.

What is Learning Time?
This can be a school subject they need a little more time working on. You know those math workbooks they sent home from school, mostly unused, great time to bust those out. Maybe it’s a spelling game like Bananagrams. They could be super into a rock collection and want to spend the whole time researching their rocks on Google. I try to talk with my boys at the beginning of the summer and find out their interests then make a list to refer to later in the summer. I also love to pay attention to things that spark their interest and suggest things as the summer moves forward.
Activity Time with Mom Suggestions
This can be anything. Building with LEGO, creating with Play-Doh, cooking a new recipe, a simple craft, a Duncan House Create Art Kit, or a Kiwi Crate. Really anything that interests you, do it with your kids. Maybe make sun tea or pick, clean, and store vegetables from the garden. It could even be clean out the hall closet together, turn it into a game. In years past I made their schedule pretty independent of me but I’ve learned that if I sit down with them they are much more likely to stick with the project and I have fun too (most of the time). I’m especially excited to watercolor with my boys this summer.
Outside Time Ideas
I’ve found it helps to make a list at the beginning of the summer of outside options. Of course, for a while, they stay entertained but inevitably they get bored. It helps to have a fresh list of ideas just waiting. We bought Goodminton during COVID and really enjoy it. One summer my boys were super into bocce ball. It’s just nice to throw something new in every once in a while. Their current obsession is soccer.
Setting the Stage for a Great Summer
Plan as much as possible in advance. I input trips, camps, Vacation Bible School, visitors, holidays, etc into my calendars so I can have a good idea of what our summer looks like. This also helps because our family greatly benefits from not being overbooked. I try to schedule a down week at home in-between each busy week.
As a family we write out our summer fun list. There’s a free copy waiting for you to fill out!
I continue to set aside time for myself to exercise, spend time with God, and keep needed appointments.
I like to include something in our week that I truly enjoy. One of my favorite things is exploring our city so I’ll plan a Friday Field Trip weekly to a new area, park, or eatery. I also love spending time with friends so I’ll try to schedule playdates as well.
Looking for boredom-busting ideas for summer? Here’s a list of 21. I look over this list whenever I lack fun ideas for the kids.
Here are some read aloud books we’ve enjoyed.
Summer Schedule for Kids at Home
Print your FREE copy by clicking on the button below.
The summer schedule button is the schedule we use. The blank summer schedule button is a template to print and fill out yourself.
SUMMER SCHEDULE BLANK SUMMER SCHEDULELaminate it or use a sheet protector for a daily reusable list that your kids can check off. Another option would be to put it on the fridge and use a magnet to track progression.

Note: In the past, I include times on our schedule but have since taken them off. I find it easier to have the day flow rather than be stuck to specific timeframes. If you would rather have times on the schedule write them in.
What is one thing you could do today to make your summer easier?
You may also like Our Summer Traditions or A Summer Weekend in Rhode Island.
If you purchase from a link on this blog a small percentage of the sale may come back to me. You are never charged more for the product. It’s a way to keep this site going and I’m very selective about the things I list. It’s mostly things we already own and love or things I think you would enjoy. Thank you for reading!
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