Simple Ways to Focus on Jesus During the Christmas Season

I want to help myself and my family focus on Jesus during the holidays, but at times I’ve felt swept up in the commercialism and busyness of the season. I start out excited about Advent but about halfway through December decide whatever resource we’re using is too cumbersome. As far as Advent calendars go we can do the tiny chocolate-filled ones and that’s about our limit.
So the question is how can my family simply focus on Jesus in a doable and sustainable way that can be reproduced year after year?
I’ve made a list of simple things to help put the focus on Jesus during the busy month of December.
I would say a good place to start is to pick three of the things below and write them on your calendar. I try to pick a slow evening and plan to do the activity right after dinner. From experience, I’ve found overscheduling only leads to tears and dashed expectations.
List of Simple Ways to Focus on Jesus
Birthday Cake for Jesus – Pick up some cupcakes at the supermarket, grab a candle, and sing.
Read the Christmas Story one evening while sipping hot cocoa.
Invite friends over to decorate sugar cookies and watch The Charlie Brown Christmas movie.
While setting out the nativity ask your kids to retell the story.
Create a December playlist filled with inspiring songs that lift up Jesus. Don’t have time to create a playlist, try ours.
For family movie night, watch The Star. It’s a sweet animated story of the nativity of Jesus told through the animals’ perspective. A funny and heartwarming film.
Christmas Eve candlelight service at a local church.
Create this nativity-inspired suncatcher craft with your kiddos.
Load up the family and view a live nativity in your area.
Sing Christmas songs in karaoke style. You could start with this song.
Pare down the gift-giving and make it focused. This is how we do it.
Read one story from The Jesus Storybook Bible every day in December leading up to Christmas. My friend Courtney told me that if you start with the first story in the Old Testament and read one a day during December you’ll end up at the birth of Jesus by Christmas.

The goal is to not feel overwhelmed, defeated, or guilty. You should feel peace and contentment as you approach this glorious season. Keep things simple. By doing less you could actually be helping the things you do mean more.
I pray that you have a meaningful holiday season and are able to have little moments where you and your family are able to focus on the true reason for the season, Jesus.
I’d love to hear your ideas on how to focus on Jesus during December.
You may also like Our Winter Traditions or Baby’s First Christmas.