Recent Happenings

Hi! How are you feeling today? I’ve had ups and downs this week and I’m super glad it’s Friday. I’m sipping a warm cup of Earl Grey tea with cream. What are you having?
Our boys are at home virtual learning until the Nashville COVID Risk score goes down. It’s going well but I know how much they miss being in-person at school. I can’t believe there is only one more week of January. I’m usually very optimistic this time of year writing goals and gluing new things to my vision board, but this year I’ve been a little stuck. How about you?
Let’s dive into what has been going on recently. My hope is that this blog is a warm and safe place for you to also share your recent happenings. I would love to know how things are going in your life.
I started showing my boys clips from iconic movies or shows. Most of them we don’t allow our boys to watch yet so it’s super fun to show them a tiny part. Would you do this or would you rather wait until they can watch the whole movie? This football clip and this pancake clip are golden.
We got our first family pet! A blue Beta (pictured) above. It’s so relaxing to watch. Bluey, as we call him, likes to sleep on the top of the thermometer nestled between the suction cup and the glass.
This past summer I bought a new sweater, it’s made of nylon, merino wool, alpaca and elastane. It sheds like crazy. Like so bad that when I try to wear it I end up taking it off halfway through the morning because I can’t stand the shedding. Any ideas? Currently, it’s in the freezer because I read if you freeze it then shake it supposedly the fibers will release and it will stop shedding. Help!!
This worship song has been on my heart for a couple of weeks. Whatever you are facing I pray you see a victory soon.
I painted my nails this week leaving my ring finger unpainted then painted it a different color as an accent nail. Have you tried it? I think I like it. I also used a matte topcoat. I like the finish, feels fresh and modern. I show my nails in my recent IGTV unboxing video.
I started a new hobby, crocheting. My new friend Liz taught me. I’ve wanted to learn for such a long time. Since it’s winter and COVID, it seemed like just the right time to begin. It was so much fun learning from a friend. I think this might be a hobby that sticks.
Garth singing at the inauguration brought Brent and I to tears. Extra special for me to have a fellow Oklahoman there sharing hugs (even if they were maskless hugs).
Has anyone subscribed to this magazine? I noticed it the other day at Michaels. I’m wondering how it is, looks interesting. It focuses on female creators and their spaces.
A friend from our grad school days, Colleen, has started water coloring and she is so talented. You can view and purchase her work here. She also has her art on fabric and wallpaper. I especially like her ranunculus print and these strawberries.
Job hunting? Here are the ABC’s of jobs from a 6 year old rapper.
I know so many people are affected by COVID-19 and many have lost loved ones. This is a post I wrote a couple of years ago when we were faced with the loss of three family members within a three-month time span.
Last but not least, WE GOT A T.V.! For our entire marriage, 13 years, we have never had a T.V. (unless you count the box we had for a year or two that only played DVD’s). Of course, we have watched shows online for years using our computers but it is so nice to have a big screen and a remote. You guys this is huge. Any shows you would recommend?
You may also like what I was chatting about a year ago or a post about pelvic floor health.
If you purchase from a link on this blog a small percentage of the sale may come back to me. You are never charged more for the product. It’s a way to keep this site going and I’m very selective about the things I list. It’s mostly things we already own and love or things I think you would enjoy. Thank you for reading!
4 thoughts on “Recent Happenings”
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Love reading this and following all the links. January and February are hard months for me with the dreary weather. I love Valentine’s Day so have been excited to plan a little family party for David and the girls.
Yes, I feel the same with all the gray skies. I love that you’re planning a family Valentine’s party. I hope you post pics. Miss seeing you in person, Anna!!
Love the magazine link! What a cool idea! I love magazines- I love that they arrive in the mail- regularly and that they always add beauty and inspire! It’s a great way for me to take a few moments to unwind and I’m always happy to find fresh ideas like this- great find!
Yes! When a magazine comes in the mail it forces me to sit on the couch (which I rarely do) and just enjoy!