Note to Self: Mistakes

Ever make a mistake and then dwell on it for days? I share a quick tip I’ve learned to help stop beating yourself up.


Road Tripping Solo with Kids

Mom and kids at a rest stop on a road trip.
Pausing for a quick photo while at a rest stop.

Have you ever considered taking a road trip or traveling a long distance with your children alone? I was skeptical about it at first. How will I take care of them and drive? How will I manage after a long hard day without any help? The truth of the matter is that I had to change my mindset and realize they are way more capable than I sometimes give them credit.


A Fun Way for Kids to Learn During the Summer

Summer Brain Quest Workbooks

Not sure if your kids are like thist but mine feel very strongly about not doing “school work” in the summer. Sure they will read for pleasure and do the assigned summer reading project but otherwise, it feels like torture for them to actually engage in learning lessons. This summer we found something that they actually get excited about…
