First Year of Elementry School

Originally published on June 3, 2016

Pre-K student standing next to rocket.

This was an extremely hard year for me. I had been anxious since before school started. I only knew one other family that went to his school and their child was not in Grant’s class. I remember feeling overwhelmed and just scared that he would encounter bad influences, make unwise choices, and I guess most of all be harmed in some way.


Books I’m Reading

Find out a few books I’ve been reading lately. I’d love to hear what’s on your current reading list.



What’s Blooming with You?

seeds on a tree branch.
Maple tree seeds or “helicopters” as my kids call them.

What are you up to this weekend? Our neighborhood is having an outdoor potluck. We’re looking forward to seeing some faces we haven’t seen in a while and meeting some new folks who have recently moved to our street. Here are some things I’ve been wanting to share so grab your iced latte and let’s chat.
