My Fitness Journey (Exercise in my 40’s)

I’ve always known fitness is important. Several years ago, my doctor told me that I should be exercising 5 days a week. She said to do things I enjoy, anything that moves my body. Of course, that’s a lot easier said than done.
Early Years and Fitness
During my growing up years, I was active in dance, cheerleading, and tennis. I would also run on occasion. After cheering for two years in college, which was the most physically active time in my life, I continued to run and visit the weight room a couple of times a week. Although not as consistent as before life in my late 20’s was active.
Exercise in my 30’s
Fast forward to pregnancy with my firstborn, Grant. I was 30 years old. I was determined to be active and exercise. I walked, went to the gym (mostly to lift weights), swam, and even ran a bit. After both of my kids were born it was more difficult to get to the gym and figure out a time to exercise. I bought a used stroller on Craigslist and would walk or run with them. I decided I would run a half marathon after each child was born. I accomplished that goal which did help me get back in shape but running is hard on my body and I have a previous injury that likes to flair up with running.

Finding a Time to Exercise
I prefer to exercise at the beginning of my day. If I can do it in the morning before my kids need me that’s ideal. I’m naturally a morning person so this works. If you’re a night owl pump iron after the kids go to sleep. Brent and I split the early mornings. He gets Monday, Wednesday, Friday and I get Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Whoever is not exercising takes care of the kids. This schedule had worked well for us for years.
Where and How to Exercise
Once my doctor told me to exercise 5 days a week I had to take time to figure out what I liked and what would work with my body. I’ve always liked being outside and walking is an easy thing with no financial investment involved besides a good pair of shoes. I’ve also enjoyed going to the gym, we have a YMCA membership. For many years, I would spend a lot of time stretching then use the elliptical machine. I also would swim laps at the indoor pool. It was fine but I felt myself getting bored after a while.
Soon after my dad passed away in 2017 I was inspired to take more risks. One of them was to join an exercise class. I’ve always been intimated by exercise classes. I’m not sure why but they felt scary to me. Since I was determined to focus on my health and I needed some more exercise options I decided to join a class. I started with Body Pump. The class time worked with my schedule and I wanted to build muscle tone. I enjoyed it a great deal and it helped in dealing with my grief. Since then I’ve tried Pilates, Weights and Plates, Spin, Rowing (inspiration), Step Aerobics, and Barre. Now that I’m typing them all out it’s crazy how many classes I’ve tried.
Motivation to Exercise
When Dean, my second child, was a baby I remember feeling pain and aches in my body when I would pick him up. I wanted to be able to care for him with ease and I knew that meant I needed to exercise to get my body in better shape. I’ve realized more recently it’s all about accountability for me. This podcast helped me realize how important external motivation is to my exercise life. I am way more likely to push myself if I know someone is watching me. Looking healthy and fit is of course a motivation as well. I want my clothes to fit comfortably, not feel tight and restricting.

Current Workout Routine
Monday – Barre Class (I’m new to this class and I’ve been sore almost every time after.)
Tuesday – Walk in the early morning
Wednesday – Mat Pilates Class
Thursday – Walk in the early morning
Friday – Spin Class
Saturday – Walk in the early morning
Notice that is 6 days, not 5. Wiggle room to skip a day. 🙂
I’m not as consistent as I want to be but I’m working toward the goal of exercising 5 days a week. Yes, I do skip some workouts but honestly, I don’t like to skip the classes because I know someone will see I’m not there. The accountability really helps me to show up. As long as I show up I’ll do the work.
It really is about showing up.
I do the work because I know how beneficial it is to my mental health and my physical body. It also helps that my doctor is expecting it.
This is the first in a three-part series. In the coming weeks, I’ll share my mental health and spiritual health journeys. Next week I’ll post about my mental health and my spiritual health will be the week after that.
What is a new exercise you could try this week?
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