LEGO® Themed Birthday Party

Dean turned SIX! He, like his brother, has been obsessed with LEGO bricks for a while now. Of course, at first, Dean played with DUPLO® bricks but that didn’t last long since he has an older brother.

We celebrated at home on a Saturday with a few family members, even fewer than normal due to the ice/snowstorm. This year was scheduled to be a party with friends but we had to forgo that due to COVID-19 precautions.

Special Birthday Requests
Dean requested a menu of Domino’s pizza, Sprite, chocolate cake and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Easy enough! I added a bagged salad and some cut veggies and we had a meal.
He also specifically requested I write, “Happy Birthday, Dean!” on the hall chalkboard and have a pile of balloons waiting when he opened his bedroom door. He knows what he wants!
Chocolate LEGO Minifigure Cake
For his cake, I went with the never-fail Rosa’s mud cake recipe (I make it with decaf coffee). My friend, Emily, let me borrow her awesome LEGO minifigure cake mold. I oiled and floured the mold before I poured the cake batter in, it stuck a bit but mostly was fine. I decided that frosting the cake would not go well since the LEGO mold was so detailed and the cake is somewhat delicate. I could have used fondant but I haven’t worked with it much and we don’t really love the taste so I decided to not mess with it. I decided to go with a chocolate glaze which was super easy and quick.

JELL-O® LEGO Minifigure Cake
I wanted to try out the Lego minifigure cake mold before I baked the birthday cake so I decided to try to make a giant strawberry flavored JELL-O® JIGGLER®. I oiled the mold before I put the JELL-O in and it turned out great! Here is the recipe. The kids totally loved it, so did I.

LEGO Themed Decorations

Since I love creating things out of cardboard boxes I made a big cut out of the letters L-E-G-O. Brent blew up balloons. Dean put LEGO guys all around the house. I made a few signs with this free LEGO-style font. Also, we made a centerpiece of LEGO creations for the table.

DUPLO Cannon Shooting Game

Brent found a fun DUPLO shooting game for us to play. Think Angry Birds but with DUPLOS. He set up the people, grabbed a few DUPLO cannons then got busy shooting away.

Gift Time

She gave them to me at Christmas and it was my first chance to use them.
So handy and cute!

LEGO, LEGO and more LEGO. That’s what he wanted. Grant gave Dean a little container of his rare lego accessories. Of course, that was super special for Dean. Even though Grant says he’s growing out of the LEGO phase I know how much he’s loved those pieces — a little glimpse of brother love coming out strong. Although we’ve almost hit a year of togetherness due to COVID-19 and sibling arguing and fighting is real something like this happens and we see how much they really do love each other.
Birthday Lego Video
For a special surprise, I found this stop-motion LEGO video. We actually forgot (#thisis40) to play it at the party but played it for him the next day.
What would you add to a LEGO themed party?
You may also like Zoo Animal Themed Birthday Party or Harry Potter Themed Birthday Party.
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