Is a Perfectly Organized Bookshelf Overrated?
Originally published September 13, 2016

I spent twenty minutes organizing these shelves. This used to be something I did before we had guests over. No longer. It’s just not that important to me anymore. I’m really not sure why. Maybe it’s because I have less time, maybe because I’m older, or maybe it stems from something a good friend, Rebekah, once said to me.
It was at a time when we were remodeling an apartment and I was super self-conscious about having anyone over since things did not look “perfect.” Rebekah was so kind. I can’t remember her exact words but it was something to the effect of, “Franci, you are the reason I’m coming over. I’m not coming over for what your house looks like.”
That spoke volumes to me. It is true and it makes me sad now to think how concerned I was about the appearance of my home. Now, I welcome people in and worry less about the state of my house. Yes, I want a beautiful well-kept home, but I want the relationships more.
So I no longer let a messy bookshelf (or old blue carpet) keep me from inviting friends over.
Can anyone relate?
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