Even with Dashed Expectations a Weekend in Monteagle, Tennessee Still Delivers

You know how you can get your hopes all up for a vacation, even daydreaming about specific details like the feelings you’ll have? Like when all your family members are sitting in the living room of your cabin sipping hot chocolate and laughing while the fire burns softly in the background and everyone is happily putting together a puzzle. Then when you actually arrive in the cabin you can’t figure out how to use the fireplace, your kids are not into puzzles and you forgot the hot chocolate. Reality can sometimes steal our joy if we’ve set up expectations in our minds for an ideal scenario.
After I had my second child I struggled with postpartum depression and for a while, I saw a therapist. One of the things she said was that expectations are just preconceived disappointments. That really hit me hard when I first heard it. I’m typically a very optimistic person so to not have expectations seemed so hopeless to me. I have since learned the benefit of taking things as they come and not setting myself up for disappointment, but rather enjoying the moments as I live them and not expecting too grandiose of an experience.
It’s hard, right? You spend so much time, money, and thought into the planning of a wonderful vacation. The pressure for it to be relaxing, fun-filled, tear-free, meaningful, and memorable is real. The reality is that it’s still life just in a different location. Your kid may get sick, you might spill your drink all over the Airbnb table, more than likely someone in your family will not sleep well, and so on.
There are so many highs of a vacation. To me even though some normal life mishaps may come, I love that we are in a different location. We have different views out our windows, possibly exotic food to taste, and new people to meet around every corner. I get inspired to be in a new location. I want to wake up early and look at the sunrise or stay up late enjoying the local nightlife. It’s a way to rest and be renewed. My creativity is boosted by the inspiration I find in architectural design, landscapes, restaurants, even what the locals wear.
Memorial Day Trip to Monteagle, Tennessee

Every year we take a family camping trip on Memorial Day. The act of retreating from the city to a quiet mostly calm wilderness is so appealing. God’s creation of plants, animals, and scenic views is awe-inspiring. This year we visited Monteagle, Tennesee. It’s only about one and a half hours southeast of Nashville. Booking a cabin at a state park this year what quite challenging (I hear you need to book at least a year in advance) so we decided to stay at an Airbnb cabin.
It had all the amenities one could want. It felt luxurious especially since you hear “camping” and automatically think you’re roughing it. The boys got a kick out of a blue tooth speaker in the shower. They could listen to their playlist as they washed up – EPIC!
We had plans to hike, swim, and maybe kayak but all our plans got changed once we arrived. This happens sometimes, huh? My husband was not feeling well and was super tired. He ended up laying low most of the weekend while I took the kids out here or there to do a few things. I had a choice. I could wallow in my disappointment for the weekend not going as planned or I could write in a new chapter, figure out some new plans and enjoy the time we had away. The hardest part was not having Brent around to enjoy things with us although he was able to get out a few times.
Recommended Things to Do in Monteagle
Things We Actually Did
Swim – This was probably at the top of the boys’ list. For kids during the summer it’s hard to beat pool time.

Monteagle Sunday School Assembly – I loved this place. We were able to enter the entrance gate even though we weren’t staying on the property. It’s 160+ historical cottages on 354 acres. I’ve heard it described as the resort in Dirty Dancing meets church camp, makes me want to get out my dancin’ shoes! Information on renting a cottage can be found here.

The University of the South

The Sewanee Inn – This was a stunning boutique hotel. We didn’t stay here but I was able to walk around and catch a few pics. I was very impressed and would say it’s worth a try if you are ever near The University of the South.

Green’s View – This overlook will blow you away. It’s totally worth the trip. We packed a picnic and enjoyed it while looking out at the beautiful view. Grant named this as one of his favorite parts of the trip.

Elliott Park – This is a playground for kids. We found this gem while walking around the campus of The University of the South. A much-needed stop for those with kids.

All Saints’ Chapel – This place is awe-inspiring. The vaulted ceiling, elaborate rose window, the Gothic design elements, the stained glass windows that tell stories, the size of the building — all of it was so stunning. I would say this is a must-see. Although we didn’t know at the time there is a Volkswagen Bettle located in one of the stain-glass windows, how cool is that? We found spiral staircases inside a turret and were able to wander around on the terrace – what fun!

Things We Wish We Could Have Done
We heard Mountain Goat Market was good but sadly they were closed for vacation. My Aunt Susie mentioned we should try their pickle pizza!
The Amish Hippie and Hallelujah Pottery sound like interesting shops to pop in and check out.
We heard South Cumberland State Park has great hiking and waterfalls. We were hoping to hike part of the Fiery Gizzard trail, this loop looked nice.
Would you consider a quiet weekend away in Monteagle?
You might also like a weekend at Big Ridge State Park in Tennesee or Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma.
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