A Chat in Cooler Weather

Happy October! How are you doing today? I’m doing alright. The good news over here is that we found a car. It was a 2-month search but we found one! Late this summer my Pilot died and we have been hunting for a used car ever since. Thankfully while we hunted we used Brent’s car but it just hit 200,000 miles recently!
What are your weekend plans? Dean has a soccer game and Brent needs a haircut. I’m also planning to make canned biscuit donuts with the boys.
I have so many things I’ve been wanting to share…
Brent and I watched this heartwarming and hilarious British film for date night. We love Maggie Smith!
I recently read this Swedish book. Although the title is a downer I found it to be helpful with decluttering.
Have you seen these plush bookmarks for kids? Check out the unicorn or the corgi, the glasses kill me with cuteness.
Goofy in Quarantine. Yes, please!
I use Feedly to bookmark all my favorite blogs so they are all collected and reading is easy. Check it out. It’s easy to use and add blogs such as Exploreandthrive.com (wink, wink).
In my discipleship group, we’ve been using this little book of John + journal. It is so handy to have the journal right there!
I’ve been spotting pumpkins on porches. Can you really have too many? I dream of lining our steps with them but then I remember how practical I am. Maybe one day.
Another date night movie Brent and I enjoyed was Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? It’s a 1967 film with Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn about a bi-racial couple. It’s set in the bay area.
I’ve been craving sticky buns. My standard for baked goods is City Baking in San Francisco (sold at Peet’s). Best baked goods I have ever had. This recipe was a winner in my book!
Looking for Halloween costume ideas? I got your back.
Have you seen the Korean film Minari? I loved it. If you like Minari you might also like these Asian Dramas.
If you haven’t heard yet, magazines are available on the Libby App. Totally free with a library card.
Recently I started using these cute reusable paper towels. Would you try them?
Hosting Thanksgiving? Here is a post I wrote for first-timers.
What is something you are into currently?
If you purchase from a link on this blog a small percentage of the sale may come back to me. You are never charged more for the product. It’s a way to keep this site going and I’m very selective about the things I list. It’s mostly things we already own and love or things I think you would enjoy. Thank you for reading!